Successful first year for Cité du Vin

Bordeaux’s Cité du Vin has just celebrated its first birthday

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June 1 marked a year since the large-scale wine museum and exhibition on Bordeaux’s quayside opened its doors to the public.

And it has a been a successful first year too, with a total of 400,000 visitors enjoying the exhibitions and events on offer.

The Cité du Vin, in its impressive and unusual building, has become a well-known and popular destination for tourists and wine lovers alike, pitching itself as: “a unique cultural facility where wine comes to life through an immersive, sensorial approach, all set within an evocative architectural design.”

It is a place where all aspects of wine, from the history, production and geography to the tasting, are explored through interactive and immersive activities and permanent and temporary exhibitions within a vast 3,000-metre-long building.

Entry to the Cité du Vin costs €20 which includes access to the permanent exhibition, an audio guide and a wine tasting at the end. Until June 21 there is a temporary exhibition titled ‘Bistro! From Baudelaire to Picasso’ which costs €8.

La cité du vin de Bordeaux

1 esplanade de Pontac

33300 Bordeaux