Letters: How are hybrid cars supposed to carry a spare tyre in France?
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Letters: The number of cold calls to French phone is maddening
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Letters: France must not tolerate political corruption
Connexion reader says it is right that Marine Le Pen should be prevented from holding office if found guilty
Translation tools online
RE: Online translation ( Letters , December).
I work as a professional translator, and the Linguee sites are an excellent primary resource for many in my line of work, for even the most esoteric of terms and phrases, whatever languages they use.
Linguee’s strength is listing your search term or phrase in real-world contexts, which is particularly useful when you may not know the root form of the term you are seeking (great for those of us who still can’t conjugate!).
Terence Kennedy, by email
Deepl doesn’t seem any better than the others; first it detected German as Italian (!) and then when I corrected that it was no better than Google. I was trying to translate instructions for a picture light, which would appear to be quite simple.
Julian Guest, by email
Also see Practical, Page 18