Village has too much money

Mayor says they have run out of ideas on ways to spend windfarm windfall

A WINDFARM has given a small Tarn village a multi-million windfall - and a headache. The mayor says the council does not know what to do with the money.

Since the windfarm was built at Arfons in 2009 the village of 182 inhabitants has seen its budget soar from 400,000 euros to 2.3 million euros.

Mayor Alain Couzinie told France 3: "It's like gold has rained on the village!"

He said he had asked officials to come up with ideas to improve people's daily lives and they had suggested a campaign against Asiatic hornets, refurbishing the village phone kiosk and installing speed-calming measures on the main street.

Others had suggested financing a cafe-restaurant or giving help to shops to open locally, but Mr Couzinie said they did not know what else to come up with.

The turbines on the windfarm are expected to keep providing revenue for at least the next 20 years and he has asked villagers to come up with some ideas.