Weather in France July 8 – July 12: Forecast by area this week

Storms will hit the south-west and temperatures will remain high. Latest predictions for temperature, sun, storm, rain and more for the next five days

High temperatures across parts of France may be marred by midweek storms

Storms are predicted across France again this week, although in general temperatures will rise across the board, reaching above 35C in some areas.

France will once more be a battleground between cold winds pushing in from the north of Europe, and warm African winds coming in through the Mediterranean.

These winds will clash most notably in the middle of the week, bringing storms to the north and then the south-west.

Monday (July 8)

Today will see warm African winds dominate in the south. 

Temperatures in areas south of Bordeaux and Lyon are set to reach 30C or more. In Normandy and Brittany rain is expected and highs will struggle to reach past 20C. 

Tuesday (July 9) 

Whilst the far-south will remain warm on Tuesday, again reaching 30C or above, in the north and east storms will begin to form, spreading from Lille to Lyon.

As the evening progresses and the warm and cool winds come into contact with each other, storms will begin to make their way towards the south-west, covering much of the region overnight including the coastline around La Rochelle. 

Wednesday (July 10) 

Storms will continue into Wednesday, essentially cutting France in two. 

The south-east and Mediterranean coastline will remain untouched by storms, with temperatures climbing into the mid 30s, and in the north, skies will be clear but temperatures cooler. 

A belt of storms running from the Pyrénées to the Alps and Jura mountains will hit central France, however, only beginning to dissipate in the evening. 

Thursday (July 11)

Thursday will see clear skies across the country, as well as the highest temperatures of the week.

Highs of between 27C and 31C are expected almost everywhere, although this will drop to around 22C to 24C along the Brittany coast. 

In parts of Provence and in Nice, highs of 37C are possible, potentially higher locally. 

Friday (July 12)

High temperatures will continue early on Friday although a set of brief storms may move in from the Atlantic coast, hitting much of the country. 

Next weekend

Early predictions for this Sunday – July 14, and France’s national day – are clear skies and warm weather, hopefully allowing outdoor events to take place without the risk of storms. 

Read more: Elections, holidays, sports: Key dates in July for your French calendar