Worries over purchasing power

People in France are worried about food bills, taxes and petrol and have little faith that polticians will help

PEOPLE have lost faith in the ability of politicians to improve their purchasing power.

A Viavoice-BCPE survey for Les Echos and France Info shows 46% of people said they had faith in “no one” as far as this is concerned.

Only 10% said they trusted President Sarkozy and the government to help in the future, and only 8% would put their faith in any of the opposition politicians.

Consumer associations were the sector inspiring most confidence – 20% - while supermarkets were at 9%, employers and unions both 8%.

The assessment is especially damning towards President Sarkozy, who promised improved purchasing power when he became president in 2007.

Food bills are the biggest worry for 44% of those questioned, followed by taxes (32%), petrol (31%), electricity (25%) and healthcare (24%).

Photo: © paul prescott - Fotolia.com