Many small firms and self-employed in France soon obliged to issue digital invoices
One small business group has called for more support for the extra costs
Millions of taxpayers in France will soon need to supply extra information
Returns made this spring will ‘step up’ the information requested about regular at-home help
More drivers to pay higher pollution taxes on new car registrations in France
The thresholds for the ‘malus’ on CO² emissions are set to catch more vehicles over the next three years
Declaring small business income in France
I started a hypnotherapy practice last year, so this will be my first tax return. I am a set up as a micro-entrepreneur. Can you tell me how to declare this kind of income on the French tax form please? E.R.

Micro-entrepreneur income is declared differently depending on how you are set up to pay income tax, ie. whether you do so on the set prélèvement libératoire on a regular monthly or three-monthly basis or not (note that the right to do this is subject to specific income ceilings).
If you have been paying ‘as you go’ under the libératoire system then your income still needs to be declared so the tax office is aware of your overall income, and this is done on page one of the 2042C PRO.
If you are set up as a ‘service’ worker, it would go in 5TB, or if you are considered a ‘liberal professional’ (micro-BNC income as opposed to micro-BIC) it goes in 5TE.
If instead you opted for taxation under the usual bands after the micro allowance, income from services is inserted in 5KP and from liberal professions in 5HQ.
Reader's query answered byHugh MacDonald
If you have a money query send it tonews@connexionfrance.com We select questions for answer every edition
The information here is of a general nature. You should not act or refrain from acting on it without taking professional advice on the specific facts of your case.
No liability is accepted in respect of this article. It is intended only as a general guide. Nothing herein constitutes actual financial advice.
The Connexion welcomes queries and publishes a selection with answers every edition. However, please note that we cannot enter into correspondence on money topics. Queries may be edited for length and style. Due to the sensitive nature of topics we do not publish full names or addresses on these pages.