Must gifts to grandchildren living abroad be declared to French tax authorities?
Tax-free limits are different between each type of family member
Will French citizenship application be affected by studying in UK?
Residency in France is usually required for citizenship applications
What dangerous snakes exist in France and what to do if you spot one?
Snakes can be kept as pets under certain conditions
Do hunters need ongoing medical tests in France?
Do hunters in France have to undergo any regular medical tests to keep their hunting licences?

A medical certificate, not more than two months old, stating you have no physical or mental health problems (visual or hearing impairments, problems with movement, balance or coordination etc) incompatible with using a firearm, is required when applying for the first time for a hunting certificate (permis de chasse).
Once the certificate has been obtained, the holder is not required to undergo any regular tests.
A recent law requires hunters to undergo an update on hunting safety regulations every 10 years, but there are no current plans for ongoing medical tests.
This contrasts with many other sports, where clubs typically require a medical every three years, or in some cases annually (eg. combat sports, rugby or shooting sports).