Is there an official complaints process against notaires in France?
Notaires are legally responsible for their own practices
Microsoft users in France at risk of cyberattack and should update urgently
The government platform www.cybermalveillance.gouv.fr has warned of several vulnerabilities in the software
Using deceased’s assets for funeral in France: How it works and new limits
The amount that an heir can take has increased by 18% this year
Fraud alerts on rise – but not by enough
An increasing number of fraud and money-laundering alerts from property professionals have been logged by the Tracfin anti-corruption agency.

Notaires signalled 1,400 sales in 2017, up 34% on 2016, mostly for international buyers and tax fraud.
Although estate agent alerts were up 140%, this was too few given the market rise and all sizes of company were warned to be attentive.