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French inventor helps dyslexic people read with lamp
A lamp that allows dyslexic people to read more easily has been developed in France.

The light it gives off makes the brain of a dyslexic person react differently.
When reading, dyslexic people often see a mirror image of text, because they have two dominant eyes.
This creates confusion as they see two images at the same time. Jean-Baptiste Fontes (pictured), Lexilife founder and creator of the Lexilight lamp, said the light erases the mirror effect.
“My little brother is dyslexic, so I was interested in this topic,” he said.
“After working with researchers in Brittany, I made the first tests with my brother and it worked. Then we tried it on a panel of 300 dyslexic people, and 90% of them were happy with the results.”
The lamp can be adjusted so the user can best see the text. It can also be used by non-dyslexic people, as the dyslexic mode can be turned off. Around 10% of people are affected by dyslexia.
The lamp is made in Brittany, and distribution has been expanding to the UK, Switzerland, Belgium and Italy.
It can be ordered anywhere in Europe for €549 and has a 10-year warranty.
Mr Fontes is now seeking clinical trials to get professional certification so the cost of the lamp can be reimbursed by mutuelles.