How do I replace my stolen UK driving licence? I am French resident

Stolen licences must be reported to the police

Some UK licences need to be renewed within 12 months of arriving in France, but not all

Reader Question: My UK driving licence was recently stolen. I am a resident in France so now I think I need to apply for a French one through exchange. Is there a special application process I must follow because my licence was stolen, and do I need to tell the DVLA? 

As you are a Briton resident in France, you need to exchange your UK licence for a French one. 

UK licences first issued before January 2021 are valid in France until their date of expiry, in which case they need to be renewed for a French one. 

However, licences that are damaged, lost or stolen must be renewed for a French one.

Read more: Driving: When do you need to swap foreign licence for French licence?

You can use the Service Public website here for information on requesting a new licence where your old one was lost or stolen. There is information available in English also. 

It is better to apply for the licence this way as some of the documents required when renewing it through the usual process – such as photos or copies of the driving licence – are not needed. There is a link on the site above that takes you directly to the relevant ANTS page to obtain a new licence to replace one which has been stolen.

Note however that to renew your licence through this way you need to provide ANTS with a déclaration de vol (proof that it has been stolen). 

This will be provided by your local police or gendarmerie station when you report the document as stolen.

You can log in / create an account on ANTS to make the request, or use your FranceConnect login information. 

Read more: What is the ‘FranceConnect’ button used for on websites?

Do I need to tell the DVLA if my UK driving licence has been stolen? 

From our research it does not seem mandatory to contact the DVLA, nor UK police authorities, as you lost the licence in France and will need to contract French police for the déclaration de vol.

However you are still able to report the licence as stolen to the DVLA if you wish by calling them on  (+44) 0300 790 6801.

Note you may be charged for this call, especially if made from abroad. 

Read more: Phones, tests, lorries: Changes on way for (some) drivers in France