Privatisation of La Poste returns

Unions promise action as cabinet discusses first stage of opening up postal market by January 2011

UNIONS have promised to fight the privatisation of La Poste after the cabinet met this morning to discuss the procedure.

The first stage, the transformation of the group into a 'société anonyme', was put on hold last November as the government dealt with the financial crisis.

Commentators have claimed the discussion of the project was also delayed until after the European Elections.

STORY:Privatisation of La Poste on hold

EU law has demanded that member nations open up their postal markets completely by 2011. Many have done this in stages via parcel and express delivery.

While the new status would open up La Poste to shareholders, the government has promised that it will remain in state hands with 100% of shares owned by the Caisse des dépôts or the state.

A spokesman for La Poste said the move was inevitable and would raise money for the institution.

Unions protested outside the treasury building at Bercy but demonstration organiser Benoît Martin said it was "more symbolic than mass protest".

The CGT, Sud, FO and CFTC unions have called for postal workers to fight privatisation together - planning national strikes and protests for September.