France practical updates: discounts for over-55s and clothes repairs

A recap of five articles you may have missed from this week’s news

A recap of five articles you may have missed from this week’s news

1. Discount on clothes repairs

From October, you could receive up to €25 off mending or repairing old clothes due to a new government scheme.

Similar to the repair bonus scheme – which was expanded this month – the policy is being introduced to encourage people to repair and reuse older goods (in this case articles of clothing) instead of throwing them out and buying new sets.

A fixed amount for each type of repair will be available, starting from €6 for unravelling a seam to €25 for mending a leather shoe.

Discounts will be applied directly to the bill when conditions are met, with tailors and other repair outlets receiving the money back afterwards.

Currently, 250 outlets have applied to be part of the scheme, with the government hoping the number will reach 500 by October.

Read more:France will soon begin paying part of people’s clothing repair bills

2. Discount cards for over-55s

There are numerous advantage cards available to over 55s in France, covering the realms of travel, leisure and everyday living.

Some cards, directly from a company, grant benefits for a specific activity – for example the SNCF Carte Avantage Senior applies across the board discounts for rail travel on trains.

Other cards provide discounts for a range of activities including cruises, hotels, healthcare, food and even car hire.

In particular, the Réduc-Seniors card offers a wide range of benefits for holders, with anyone who meets the age criteria able to apply.

Read more:What are the best discount cards for over-55s in France?

3. Put in your address and check water restrictions

The new ‘Vigie Eau’ website released by the government provides an easy-to-check real-time update of drought restriction levels across France.

In turn, it also gives the restrictions facing each specific commune within the country, covering regulations on watering gardens, filling swimming pools, cleaning your house and more.

You can use a search bar to type in your address and find the restrictions in your commune.

In addition, the site provides tips on how to save water throughout the year, helping reduce overall water consumption.

Read more:New website tells you the water restrictions in your part of France

4. Change in motorway breakdown fees

Drivers heading off for the summer holiday season should be aware that motorway breakdown fees in France have increased.

Starting from July 4, costs for the recovery of vehicles increased across the board, regardless of their size.

Specifically, weekend and out-of-hours breakdown cover saw increases of 50% on previous costs.

Although these costs are usually covered by your insurer, it is not always the case.

Read more:French motorway breakdown fees have gone up, here is what you pay now

5. Staying cool in the heatwave

Mainland France faced its first severe heatwave last week, with a number of departments facing tier-three (orange) warnings for high temperatures.

On Tuesday, temperatures approached 40C in some parts of France, and almost the entire country saw the mercury tip above 30C.

The Alpes-Maritimes department in south-east France, which is seeing holidaymakers currently flocking to hotspots like Nice, Menton, and Cannes, is still facing a heatwave warning of this level.

Our article provides a number of tips on helping yourself stay cool and cost-effective tips for keeping your home cool.

Read more:Tips on how to stay cool in France’s heatwave