Charity to help isolated English-speakers in France

The charity Cancer Support France, which provides support to English-speakers touched by cancer, is expanding its brief to give help more widely during the Covid-19 crisis.

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Any English-speaker who is elderly, vulnerable, isolated or has health problems can make contact for emotional and practical support.

Support cannot be in person due to confinement restrictions but will be given by phone, email and social platforms.

The expanded service will be undertaken by CSF’s trained Active Listeners, as well as volunteers from their membership and professionals willing to work in a voluntary capacity.

CSF associations are in regular contact with current clients to maintain support levels and in addition is working to ensure the well-being of all volunteers, members and supporters.

CSF President Pat Lockett said: “We want to offer moral support to people who feel isolated. It makes sense to us to offer this in these unprecedented circumstances.”

Contact: CSF National Helpline on 0800 240 200 or email