When must a bank reimburse a customer scam victim in France?
Reimbursement can depend on whether the customer has been ‘negligent’
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French entrepreneur group proposes 36-hour week to fund defence and pensions
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Covid: Who is now eligible for vaccination in France?
All people aged 55 and over can now be vaccinated with the AstraZeneca or Johnson & Johnson vaccines at a pharmacy or by a nurse or GP

All those aged over 60 can be vaccinated with any of the four vaccines being used in France at vaccination centres, pharmacies, and nurses’ or GPs’ practices.
From mid-May, this will be extended to all over-50s. However, the AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson vaccines are currently recommended only to over-55s.
Slots at certain vaccination centres around the country are now also open to people aged 55 or more working in certain professions, such as teachers.
France is aiming to open up the vaccination campaign to everyone from mid-June. The government hopes to have given a first dose to 30 million people by the end of June and all willing adults by the end of summer.
People who have already had Covid-19 are recommended to get only one dose.
From May 3, travel between regions will be allowed again, and attestations will no longer be needed for journeys during the day over 10km from your home.
The government says that signs are looking positive for re-opening in mid-May of non-essential shops, some cultural and sport activities and café or restaurant terraces.
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