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Forgotten by all and betrayed by the UK
I am a forgotten ‘British European’.
We hear of Europeans in the UK, Britons in Europe, British retirees in France and Spain, but never the Britons who married a European to create a multi-cultural family.
I married a French man at 34 and settled in France. Our daughter is bilingual, speaks two further languages and, after studying in the UK, settled in London.
I worked in France and had looked forward to my pension in a couple of years, combining my years in France and the UK. This is now in doubt.
My mother is ageing and requires more and more help. Our daughter and her partner may soon have children.
We had always thought we had a right to return to the UK to help my mother or with our grandchildren. Not having lived in the UK prior to Brexit my husband will probably have no right to settle there. Even I may need private healthcare.
We want to sell our house to ‘get in’ before the doors close and I am applying for French citizenship to be able to stay in at least one country.
I signed up to the freedom of movement in Europe and that has been ended without me having a vote. I feel betrayed.
Christine Frati, Gard