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Found cat looking for lost owners
THE HUNT is on for a British couple called Claud and Suzy who lost their cat, Virgin, last July in Normandy.
The couple were travelling in a camper van last summer and contacted an association (chat-trouve-identifie.fr) which specialises in finding cats, saying that they planned to stay in France as long as it took them to find their pet, which originally came from Morocco.
However Virgin did not turn up until January 2017 and so far it has been impossible to contact her owners by email, as there was a mistake in the email address. Virgin remains in foster care, while her owners could be anywhere and may think she is dead.
Connexion would like to help reunite Virgin with Claud and Suzy - so we are asking readers to share this post as widely as possible.
Can you help us give this story a happy ending? Contact us on news@connexionfrance.com if you have any information about the couple.