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France lockdown: What box to tick to feed horses 10km away?
Reader question: Can I go and feed my horses that are in a field 10km away from where I live?

Yes you can, of course, go and feed your horses and the Minister for Agriculture and Food, Julien Denormandie has confirmed that this is allowed.
J’ai reçu de nombreuses questions sur les dérogations pour aller soigner ses animaux, et notamment les chevaux :
— Julien Denormandie (@J_Denormandie) November 1, 2020
👉 Vous pouvez bien vous déplacer au-delà d’1km en cochant la case « consultations, examens et soins ne pouvant être assurés à distance » sur l’attestation.
He tweeted that you are able to go and feed horses (and other animals, if needed), even if they are more than 1km away from your home.
To do so you need an attestation exemption form which is available to print and download here (in French). There is an English version available and also an easy-read version with pictograms. There is also a digital version available via the TousAntiCovid smartphone app.
You must tick the third box down on the form, which reads “consultations, examens et soins ne pouvant être assurés à distance (consultations, examinations and care that cannot be done remotely)”.
This only applies to horse owners and carers - for the unavoidable and necessary feeding, care, or exercise of their animals.
Equestrian centres and similar are not open to the public currently.
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