One British man's crusade against illegal billboards in France
Tony Smith led a community effort to remove more than 1,000 illegal billboards from roadsides and parks
Help! We are surrounded by English people in France
Columnist Cynthia Spillman gives her advice on how to feel more 'French'
Letters: French translation apps are ridiculous, but AI can do the job… sometimes
Readers share their disappointment with automatic translation
Laid to rest on the cheap
How about an article on the funeral options in France?
I am in the process of trying to persuade the CHU Caen to accept my body for the benefit of trainee doctors... the deal includes a free barbecue!
In Great Britain there is a system of totally basic body disposal, no “mourners” and it costs very little. Perhaps The Connexion could research cheap body disposal options
in France?
I realise people have to make a living, but taking a body in a cheap body bag to the local crematorium in a basic van should not cost more than a maximum of €1,000... (allowing for 100% profit!)
Just in passing, I do not understand why French people are so disparaging about civil servants. I can only think of one occasion in 28 years when I have received other than excellent, ‘sympa’ service. Thank you, France, for having me.
Michael Parish, Calvados