Say Yes to fruit, veg, exercise and bio....

... but cut down meat and booze!

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MORE fruit, veg, grains, nuts, organic foods and exercise... LESS meat, sugar, alcohol and sitting down – that is the latest official “healthy living” advice.

This is less rigid than previous advice, which was seen as too prescriptive.

It will allow more people to make easy changes, although it still calls for “five fruit or veg a day” while suggesting the consumption of more fibre.

Santé Publique France health agency said it opted for “general guidelines, rather than definite objectives” to encourage gradual change to fit with people’s daily lives, especially if they were not much interested in nutrition or making major dietary changes.

  • Chickpeas, lentils and beans should be eaten twice a week, as should oily fish; eat carbohydrates and two dairy products once a day, plus a handful of hazelnuts or walnuts.
  • Cut meat consumption to 500g, and 150g of processed meat, a week.
  • Eat organic bio where possible and do 30 minutes “dynamic” exercise a day.

Despite this last point – and a 2016 law – there is still no sign of state funding to encourage sports on prescription services to improve health.