Tax on air travel to rise in 2014

The ‘taxe Chirac’ on plane tickets will be increased to 12.7% according to Le Figaro

FRANCE is to increase its tax on air travel to up to 12.7% from next year, according to newspaper Le Figaro.

The “taxe Chirac” which was brought in under the former president in 2006 goes towards financing international development projects, raising 200 million euros a year.

The tax varies according to the length of the flight, the destination and the class.

President François Hollande announced in July that the level of the tax would be examined as part of a wider reevaluation of France’s international development projects.

The Comité interministériel de la coopération internationale et du développement (CICID), which groups various parts of the government, is due to draw up a new law setting out its goals before the end of the year.

Photo:Joshua Davis