Can I get help to install a car charging point at home?

Can I get funding for a car charging point in my garage for my electric/petrol car? V.H.

There is an income tax credit of 30% for installing a charging point for an electric car (being a credit, not just a reduction, this means you can receive money from the tax office if you do not pay enough tax to benefit).

This is the crédit d’impôt pour la transition énergétique (CITE) and it is claimed on the 2042C income declaration form. There is also a scheme called Advenir, which offers grants of up to half the cost of
installing these if you live in a copropriété (ie. flats). See:

The Mairie de Paris also offers grants (up to 50%) for up to four charging points in a coproriété, but the application must be via the co-owners as a group, not individually.

The latest building regulations require all buildings with collective parking in the basement to have some charging points. There is also a general rule called droit à la prise, which states that people who live

in flats with indoor parking are presumed to have the right to have a charging point installed if they do not already have one, although they should ask permission from the syndic, so there can be a vote at the annual general meeting of owners. However, it can only be legally opposed if there is a ‘serious and legitimate’ reason for this. It is possible to install points both inside and outside, but there can be technical challenges (eg. there must be a metre system so you pay for the electricity used individually).