France's regulations on noisy neighbours
Last week my neighbour began what he envisages to be a three-month project converting his garage into an extra bedroom. He has been working late into the evening on it, and at weekends, and the noise is dreadful. Are there rules restricting the hours when he can do noisy work? G.S
You will need to visit your mairie (or look at their website) for a full list of hours during which noisy work is prohibited – it varies from place to place.
As a rule of thumb, your neighbour should be putting down the drill on Sundays and bank holidays, and not starting before 08.00 on weekdays. The time that he/she is allowed to continue work until usually varies between 18-22.00. On Saturdays you can expect this period to be shorter.
If, after a friendly chat with your neighbour about the problem, the noise persists, you should notify the mairie. This should be done in writing, requesting the intervention of the mayor or a representative, whose duty it is to help maintain the peace.
You can also take advantage of their mediation services or, if the problem becomes so severe, ask the police to look into it.
Noisy work carried out at night could be considered a tapage nocturne (breach of the peace), which is punishable by a fixed fine of €68.
Question answered by Sarah Bright-Thomas of Bright Avocats
Tel: 05 61 57 90 86 -
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