Is it true that you need to keep a breathalyser in your car in France?
French laws require certain items to be kept in a car at all times
Police may require a driver to undertake a breathalyser test is they are suspected of being drunk behind the wheel
Reader Question: Is it true that you need a breathalyser in your car? A French neighbour told me this, but I have not seen The Connexion mention this in articles about French road regulations.
A 2011 law brought in when Nicolas Sarkozy was president made it a requirement for all drivers of vehicles (with the exception of some motorbikes) in France to carry a breathalyser.
Drivers had to prove that they had a functioning breathalyser test in their vehicles (two, if they had previously been convicted of drunk driving), and to use it if asked to by authorities.
There were a series of issues relating to the law which delayed it coming into force, and also concerning the breathalyser itself as shortages and confusion over the accepted models affected drivers.
A decree in May 2020 reversed these changes, meaning now, in general, drivers do not need to carry breathalysers in their vehicles.
Drunk drivers may still require them
However, those convicted of drink driving offences may be required to install a éthylotest antidémarrage (EAD) in their cars.
These devices prevent a vehicle’s ignition being turned on without a driver blowing into the device to prove they are not above the legal limit.
Judges can rule that instead of temporarily suspending a person’s driving licence after committing a drinking offence, an EAD must be installed in their vehicle instead.
Drivers have to use the EAD for one year, double the previous six month term, although the same decree that banned breathalysers in 2020 doubled this).
Courts can impose a five-year requirement on certain drivers.
Note that, even if breathalysers are not required in French vehicles, a number of other items are, which you can read about in the articles below.
Read more: What must drivers carry in their cars in France? Are photocopies OK?