Easier access to pill for teenagers

An MP wants the contraceptive pill to be made free and anonymous to young girls

A PROPOSED law making the contraceptive pill free and anonymous for minors who ask for it is being presented to parliament today.

UMP Party MP Bérengère Poletti recommends the measures as a way of cutting the numbers of minors having abortions, which were more than 13,200 in 2006 (the latest figures available), up from 10,700 in 2002.

This would involve the delivery of the pills being done in such a way that it does not appear on the regular summaries of reimbursements posted to the parents.

Ms Poletti said: “Abortions are anonymous and free for minors, as is the morning after pill; but, apart from at family planning centres, not the contraceptive pill. Under these circumstances, most young people, particularly in rural areas, do not have access to it.”

Her proposals also include obliging schools to have sex education and a trial in certain regions of allowing midwives to carry out drug-induced abortions.

The topic has been much debated since Poitou-Charentes president Ségolène Royal came up with a “contraceptive pass” scheme for young girls in her area.

Previous story: Royal condom plan helps Paris teens