Donating your body to study

Re: The article Can I donate my body to science after I die? (Feb)

You donate your body for the education of medical students, something I have contracted to do. The article is not wholly correct as there can be a fee.

You can only donate your body to a university within your region (visit the site

Poitiers demand you take out insurance. You will need a health certificate provided to the university from your médecin traitant.

I have done this and met the Professor of Anatomy at Poitiers who said they only get around 20 bodies a year for 200 students. Your body is useless after death but invaluable to others.

The ambulance service must deliver your body within 48 hours but they have a key so can deposit it at any time.

Cremation is included in the fee. Every year student doctors pay homage at the cemetery where the ashes are placed.

Colin J Chatfield, Chazelles, Charente