9 French expressions to use when there is hot weather
From 'the sun is like lead' to 'cooking like a pancake', here are some phrases to use as the temperature soars across France
Meet France's great garden acrobat
With its bright yellow and blue plumage, the Eurasian blue tit is easy to spot in the garden.
Petit lapin, coup du lapin: 6 commonly used French rabbit expressions
A potential new penalty for missing a doctor’s appointment has also been nicknamed la taxe lapin - we explain why
Connexion Tip: The importance of the curl
I have been told that you should not forget the curl on the C in the word français, because without it it would be said as ‘fronkay’ – why is that?
The cedilla (la cédille) softens the sound of a C before all of the vowels apart from I and E, where it is unnecessary; otherwise it has the hard sound, as in ‘cat’. So, if you are writing correctly you need it for words like leçon (lesson), façade or déçu (disappointed), but not in placement or précis. Its name is from Spanish meaning ‘little Z’.