56% worry about losing their home

Homelessness charity Emmaüs finds people in their forties the most concerned about one day having to sleep rough

MORE than half of people in France are worried about being made homeless, with 12% saying it looks "very possible", a new poll has revealed.

Homelessness charity Emmaüs asked 1,000 people about their living situation in a survey to coincide with the group's 60th anniversary.

Some 56% said they thought they might one day become homeless, up from 47% two years ago. The number of people who think losing their home is very possible has risen from 4% to 12% in the same period.

The most-worried age group were those in their forties, three-quarters of whom said they were concerned about one day sleeping rough.

Emmaüs estimates that 100,000 people in France sleep on the street. The charity is holding its annual Nuit Solidaire on the Place de la Bastille in Paris on November 27.

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