Brexit: movement and deals

Readers respond to the question of freedom of movement after Brexit

RE: Is forward movement after Brexit important to you? We live in the “Tri-region” area of Europe – where France, Germany and Switzerland meet.

Although we live on the French side, I work in Switzer­land and my husband works in Germany, so we cross the border every day. (My husband leaves France, cycles through Switzerland and into Germany to get to work!)

If Brexit negotiations do not allow for onward movement, this could be a significant problem for us.

Even if we were to move to either Switzerland or Germany (both significantly more costly than living in France), still one of us would need to cross the border each day.
Having chosen this path when there was no issue over movement throughout the EU and years before Brexit was voted for, we are very worried about what the future may hold.

John Buckingham, by email

The answer is a resounding ‘yes’, its crucially important to me. I feel through Brexit I have been stripped of my rights of citizenship with no say on the matter.
Katherine Perkins, by email

I would very much like these negotiations to quickly deal with these rights.

I am British married to a Belgian. Neither country can guarantee that we can live and work as before. We are both high earners integrated by speaking many languages and it seems by marriage we have become virtually stateless.

This is playing with people’s lives and should not be a bargaining chip.

Jen Reygaerts, by email

As the EU continues to be intransigent over Brexit negotiations, the British government should be fully prepared to walk away with no deal rather than agree to a bad deal.
The government would certainly have the support of the British people. According to a new Sky Data poll a large majority of the public believes that ‘no deal is better than a bad deal’.

A massive 74% agree the country should walk away rather than accept a bad, ‘punishment’ deal. Just 26% think ‘any deal is better than no deal’.

Christina, Orne

It’s hard to understand why Brits who take advantage of their rights to live, work, study and belong to the health system of another EU country should vote against these rights. Marion Woolley (Letters, October) has given the matter plenty of consideration and yet doesn’t tell us why she voted Brexit after living in France for 11 years. I wish she, or someone, would tell me. It might help me come to terms with this tragedy.

Humph Wills, by email

Yes, freedom of movement for UK nationals within Europe is very important to my husband and me. We have been considering a move from France to Spain, and have bought a holiday home there. After 10 years in France it is a worry we may not be able to move after all.

Julia Grange, by email