Consulate cannot fill French forms

'The British Consulate cannot help fill in a family's livret de famille'

WE FIND your paper full of useful information; however in January’s Q&A you quote an official of the French registry who says the British Consulate can help fill in a family’s livret de famille.

The Consulate cannot do this. We have no means of checking with the General Registry Office in the UK and the livret de famille is a national French document.

Under no circumstances can we act as registrars and we cannot add anything into any official national French document.

Keep up the good work.

Carolyn Visciano,
Pro Consul, Consular Assistance

The information came from the mairie of Sarlat in Dordogne, who said Britons in France would not have livrets de famille unless they had a child or got married in France. While they said that some details not available to French officials (like parents’ place of birth) could be filled in by a consulate, apologies if this is not the case.