Find out school's exam performance

You can compare schools in your area on the Education Ministry website. We explain what the scores mean

THE GOVERNMENT does not publish official school league tables, but several newspapers make use of official data to create their own.

To search results visit http:// click the top right link Vous recherchez les résultats d'un lycée? and enter a school.

Bac pass rates (shown for the different kinds eg. “L’ for literary, “S” for scientific) are one of three success indicators. Each indicator gives the school’s actual performance (taux brut) compared to an expected one for its type (taux attendu), accounting for its age and sex make-up.

“Value added” (valeur ajoutée) scores are obtained by comparing the actual and expected results, aiming to show how well the school does its job. This exercise is done using comparisons both for the local education authority (référence académique) and for France. This year the valeur ajoutée takes extra factors into account including the academic level of students entering the lycée and their social background.

Pass rates (taux de réussite) are the first “indicator.”

Next (taux d’accès) is the likelihood of a student entering seconde or première (first and second years of lycée) leaving with a bac pass at the end of schooling. This indicates drop-out rates.

The last indicator shows the proportion of those who passed the bac out of all school leavers of all year groups or out of those leaving terminale (the third and final year).

The latter shows how readily the school allows lycée pupils to redo (redoubler) the final year if they did not pass the bac first time - for example if the percentage of leavers who have a bac is higher than the actual 2008 bac pass rate.