Useful English phone numbers

English-language telephone contacts for residents in France

State health insurance help
08 11 36 36 46, Monday-Friday 9.00-18.00

Elizabeth Finn Care
Grants and advice for Britons and Irish in financial need) – France contact is Mary Hughes: 04 68 23 43 79

SOS Helpline
English listening service affiliated to Samaritans.
01 46 21 46 46 (15.00-23.00)

Hertford British Hospital
An English-speaking hospital for the Paris area, run as a French association and British charity – 01 46 39 22 22

UK passport advice
0044 208 082 4729 (cost of call plus 69p/min on card)

British Embassy (Paris)
01 44 51 31 00

Bordeaux: 05 57 22 21 10
Lyon: 04 72 77 81 70
Lille: 03 20 12 82 72
Marseille: 04 91 15 72 10

CLEISS: Social security advice when moving between countries: 01 45 26 33 41

France Telecom
09 69 36 39 00

Cancer Support France
05 45 89 30 05

EDF international customer service: 01 42 23 30 10

AFIF (funerals information)
01 45 44 90 03