Act quickly for energy-efficient boiler grant aid

I am told that there is state aid available to change a boiler to a more energy-efficient one. Is this being carried forward to 2018 and, if so, what are the rules to be able to benefit? J.M.

Until March 2018 a grant called “Prime coup de pouce économies d’énergie” is available – depending on earnings – for households planning to im­­prove their energy efficiency. The grant will be €800 for the replacement of a boiler to a new high-energy performance gas or oil boiler or €1,300 for a new Class 5 wood boiler.

Until the end of this year this comes on top of a tax credit (crédit d’impôt pour la transition énergétique – CITE) of 30% of the costs of the work (a ceiling of €8,000 for a single person, €16,000 for a couple).

If the total exceeds the tax due then the excess is paid to the household.

Work must be done by an artisan with the RGE environmental label and a detailed devis estimate given before work starts with the wording Devis reçu avant l’exécution des travaux and signed.

In addition, 0% loans called éco-prêt à taux zéro (éco-PTZ) are also available for main homes up to a maximum of €30,000 paid over 10-15 years.

Changes will be introduced to the system for 2018 as the government and Ecology Min­ister Nicolas Hulot wants to re-target aid more on renewable energies – so wood, biomass, geothermal heating, heat pumps, solar hotwater and district heating plus gas and condensation boilers.

People changing away from an oil boiler will have the right to a grant similar to the Prime coup de pouce économies d’énergie that will be increased to €3,000 for very-low income households and €2,000 for low income households. Again, it is dependent on earnings.

The grant will be done on the basis of awards from energy suppliers to earn certificats d’économies d’énergie (CEE).