Can apps such as Waze show location of speed cameras on French roads?

Some countries in Europe have banned such applications

Waze and similar apps also show traffic updates in real-time.

Reader Question: I use the Waze app when driving in the UK, but I know there are strict laws about speed camera tracking in France. Can I use this app (or a similar one) on my phone when I drive through France? 

Rules on tracking speed cameras in France are strict, but they are mostly related to physical appliances that detect the presence of speed cameras.

These are generally classed as détecteurs de radar (radar detectors) and avertisseurs de radar (radar warning systems).

Read more: Are speed camera detectors in cars legal in France?

Telephone applications, such as Waze, are usually classed as assistants d’aide à la conduite (driving assistance systems) and in general are acceptable to use in France. 

Speed cameras locations not shown on app

Be mindful, however, that the exact location of a speed camera is not shown on these apps.

Instead, they alert drivers to zone de danger, where slowing down is advised. 

These are not explicitly related to speed cameras, and could be because of roadworks or traffic, but most of the time highlight the likely presence of a radar in the area. 

Information about danger zones are based on user reports, with drivers providing information about road conditions. In 2021, the French courts ruled this information-sharing was constitutional. 

Read more: Drivers within law to share speed radar warnings, French court rules

Legislation introduced in 2023 expressly states driving aid apps cannot show the exact location of fixed speed cameras. 

Police also have the right to temporarily disable information on these apps about ‘danger zones’ during incidents such as a police chase or terrorist attack.

Note that in some other European countries, these apps are illegal, so always check before you drive using the app whether it is possible to do so.