How should garden waste be disposed of in France if bonfires are not allowed?
Some areas have also banned disposing of green waste at waste centres
Using deceased’s assets for funeral in France: How it works and new limits
The amount that an heir can take has increased by 18% this year
Chimney sweeping rules in France: Can you do this yourself - and how often is required by law?
Insurance companies have their own requirements
France lockdown: Are notaire offices staying open?
Notaire offices were closed during the first lockdown in Spring
Reader question: Are notaire offices staying open? I planned to see one about an inheritance issue.
Yes, the Conseil supérieur du notariat confirmed offices across France will remain open during the second lockdown.
You can arrange a face-to-face meeting for any tasks that cannot be carried out remotely, and strict hygiene protocols will apply.
You will need a piece of identification and an attestation dérogatoire de déplacement and, the Covid-19 hotline staff confirmed, tick the box "Convocation judiciaire ou administrative et pour se rendre dans un service public".
Read more about France's lockdown:
Which shops can stay open during lockdown in France?
France lockdown: The exemption forms you need