Luthiers in Nice repair five- or six-figure violins and cellos
In a Nice workshop, two trained luthiers are busy helping musicians produce their best performances
Rise in number of French business failing
It means 44,000 jobs will be lost by end of year. We look at what help is available for small business owners
France set to pass emergency ‘budget law’: is it good or bad for your finances?
The country will effectively be without a budget from 2025, with knock-on effects for individuals and companies
The Connexion Tip: Taxe d'habitation
One of your local taxes, taxe d’habitation is only payable by the person living in the property on January 1.
If you move in on January 2 you will not be liable to pay it until the following year.
It is customary to split the other main local tax, taxe foncière, when you buy a property and pay your share of that year’s tax, however this is not done with taxe d’habitation .