Seven useful informal French expressions you don’t learn at school
These words will add colour to your spoken French
More French words and phrases with no real equivalent in English
Do you know anyone who is insortable or un bon vivant ?
10 common French expressions involving ‘coup’
From sunburns to parties, we ‘donne un coup de main’ to help you with these common expressions
What does ‘direction of departures’ mean?
Why does the Bison Futé service ( bison-fute.gouv.fr) use the expression ‘in the direction of the departures’ or ‘of the returns’ when warning of traffic congestion? What does it mean? P.J.

This expression has been criticised as too Paris-orientated, but basically ‘departures’ refers to traffic heading from north to south (towards the Mediterranean) or west to east (towards mountain resorts in the Alps); returns is the opposite.