53% want DIY shops on Sundays

Leading store in new plea as it faces €19million fines if it defies court ruling to close in Ile-de-France

MORE than half of people want to see DIY shops opening on a Sunday, a poll for market leader Bricorama has found.

The company is calling on the government to widen the scope of the 2009 law which gives furniture stores and others - but not DIY stores even if they sell furniture - the right to open on Sundays.

It revealed that the survey, by OpinionWay, showed that 53% of French people are favourable to them opening on Sundays - and 84% of people in Ile-de-France.

The poll was published on the eve of an appeal court ruling in Versailles against an order to stop Sunday trading in the Ile-de-France or face fines of up to €19million. It also comes as Bricorama boss Jean-Claude Bourrelier meets Trades Minister Sylvia Pinel to push for change.

Mr Bourrelier said that DIY was the third most popular leisure activity in France and if it was forced to close on Sundays it would have to lay off 500 staff. Sunday opening accounted for 15% of its trading.

The court order to halt Sunday opening came after action by union Force Ouvrière. It threatens Bricorama with a €30,000 fine for each Ile-de-France store that is open on Sunday.
Photo: somenski - Fotolia.com