Letters: French people struggle to say my name - or translate it
Connexion readers share their anecdotes of cross-cultural confusion
Letters: French recycling rules just lead to more waste
Connexion readers say the system pollutes communes and attracts vermin
Why are more than a million letters delayed in post in France - and where?
One Connexion reader told us Christmas cards sent in early December have only just arrived
Bell moaners are real pain
RE: Your online article about the Parisian holidaymakers who complained about nearby church bells ringing at 7am ( French gîte renters demand time change for church bell ) – what a bunch of prissy pains they are!
They should be getting out of bed at 7am, anyway, to fully enjoy their holiday.
If one does not like the local conditions, go somewhere else for your holidays next time – or stay in Paris as I often do.
It is actually quite pleasant here in August, with reduced traffic on the roads, smaller crowds in the shops and on public transport – and one can easily pass the day relaxing in a bistro along the banks of the Seine.
David YOUNG, Paris