France tightens border security

Thousands of police, gendarmes and troops sent to cope with "exceptional traffic" and terror risk of Olympic Games

NEARLY 6,000 police, gendarmes and troops have been sent to the north of France to tighten up security at main transport links over the start of the Olympic Games in London.

The heavy reinforcements are to ease delays due to the expected heavy traffic passing through ports, airports and the Channel Tunnel for the games and will be in place until August 12.

The Interior Ministry said it had stepped up security with 2,500 police, 2,000 gendarmes and 1,450 military personnel and maintained the "Vigipirate" national security alert system status at Red+ because of the obvious terrorist threat.

Ministry spokesman Pierre-Henry Brandet said the north would see "exceptional traffic," with 60 teams and 450,000 visitors expected to be heading to London for the games and Paralympics, and the extra security would help avoid delays and maintain "rigorous border controls".

Security will be beefed up at ports including Caen-Ouistreham, Cherbourg, Dieppe, Le Havre, Roscoff, Saint-Malo; main airports Charles-de-Gaulle, Orly and Le Bourget plus the main stations such as Calais and Paris-Nord.

Brandet said they were working with British security forces "to deal with any eventuality and to ensure that these Games are a celebration and take place in a serene atmosphere".
Photo: TristanBM -