Getting a loan repayment break

If you are having difficulties repaying a loan, you may be able to seek a court ruling giving more time to pay

IF YOU are having difficulties repaying a loan, you may be able to seek a court ruling giving more time to pay.

This relates to consumer loans of under €21,500 or mortgages in cases where your income has been substantially reduced, notably due to losing your job, or family problems like a death or a divorce.

By invoking Art. L313-12 of the Code de la Consommation you can ask for a reduction or suspension of repayments for up to two years and dispensation from paying interest on the suspended payments.

Make the request to the juge de proximité for sums under €4,000 or otherwise via a huissier (bailiff), who applies to the tribunal d’instance, at a cost of about €70. The bank users body Afub has a free guide (in French).