How did French in London, Brussels and Moscow vote in the EU election?

Which candidates were most popular with French people living abroad?

Man votes in front of a French flag
French people abroad voted very differently to those in France

French people living abroad voted very differently to people in France, voting data reveals, favouring President Macron’s Renaissance party and the left-wing Socialists far ahead of the far-right Rassemblement National (RN).

The RN won a historic election victory in the European Parliament elections in France on Sunday, prompting President Macron to dissolve parliament and call snap legislative elections. 

Read more: Far-right win French EU elections: how did your area of France vote?

Some 31.7% of people who voted in France voted for the RN, double the vote of President Macron’s Renaissance (14.9%) and the Socialist party (14.2%).

How did French people in London vote?

Among the over 120,000 French people who voted in London, the main candidate on Renaissance’s list, Valérie Hayer, won, with 28.82%, followed by Socialist candidate Raphaël Glucksmann, with 21.93%. 

The vote was flipped in Brussels, where over 90,000 French voters put Glucksmann in first place, with 21.15%, and Hayer close behind on 20.4%. 

How did French people abroad vote?

Despite his resounding victory in France, the RN’s Jordan Bardella could only muster fifth place among French people living abroad, or 8.3% of votes. 

Hayer, of Renaissance, came first in the general vote of French people living abroad, with 21.99%, followed by Glucksmann, on 18.76%. Manon Aubry, who topped the list for far-left La France Insoumise (LFI), got 13.89% and Green candidate Marie Toussaint got 12.18%. 

In Montreal, with almost 75,000 French voters, Socialist Glucksmann came first, on 22.22%, followed by LFI’s Manon Aubry, on 20.68%, 

One place where the RN’s Bardella did triumph was Moscow, where he won 24.9% – 398 people voted, among the 2,000 registered, according to Libération. Bardella was followed by the sovereignist parties of François Asselineau, which have called for ‘Frexit’.