Natural disaster zones announced

Residents of communes affected by recent floods and mudslides must now put in their claims

RESIDENTS of certain communes in Haute-Corse, Hautes-Pyrénées and Savoie must now put in claims if they need reimbursement for natural disasters between February and April this year.

A total of 14 communes in Haute-Corse affected by floods and mudslides between February 15-17 and March 15-17 as well as three communes of Hautes-Pyrénées for the same disasters from February 25-27 have been classified as having had natural disasters.

The communes of Gazost in Hautes-Pyrénnées and Moûtiers in Savoie are also concerned, relating to landslides that happened in February and April this year.

This was published on May 6 and the victims have 10 days from then to make a declaration to their insurers.

Those affected are:
• Haute-Corse : Canari, Felce, Valle-di-Campoloro, Barbaggio, Barrettali, Campile, Castello-di-Rostino, Luri, Olmeta-di-Tuda, Pino, San-Gavino-d'Ampugnani, San-Giuliano, Santo-Pietro-di-Tenda, Tralonca.
• Hautes-Pyrénnées : Geu, Juncalas. Gazost.
• Savoie: Moûtiers

For more on how to claim see: Insurance: natural disaster zone