Letters: Can Hybrid cars leave you stranded without a spare wheel in France?
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Letters: This photo tip makes it easier to renew UK passports in France
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Letters: Sliced bread is simply too sweet in France
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School week worked well before change
Preferences over the school week
RE: Your question on preferences over the school week.
The four-day school week worked absolutely fine for children at France’s écoles maternelle for years before the then government made its ridiculous decision to change school hours just four years ago.
A whole system of childcare had been sorted out, parents had arranged their work and kids spent less out-of-lesson time at school.
Now there is pressure for after-school care, or garderie as most parents work and cannot pick up at 15.45.
My own children found it much better with a day off in the middle, they were never as tired as they are now by the end of Friday.
Catriona RILEY, by email