Letters: How are hybrid cars supposed to carry a spare tyre in France?
Connexion reader says electric vehicles simply do not have enough space
Letters: The number of cold calls to French phone is maddening
Connexion readers say that measures to prevent them are not effective
Letters: France must not tolerate political corruption
Connexion reader says it is right that Marine Le Pen should be prevented from holding office if found guilty
Statue of Liberty’s sign
I am French and have read The Connexion for several years, enjoying it for being interesting and helping improve my English. After the article on the US Statue of Liberty (October) I would like to add one more detail to your story of the statue.
On an engraved bronze plaque within the statue’s pedestal is a poem called The New Colossus written in 1883 by US poet Emma Lazarus. It contains some marvellous verses, including the following lines:
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless,
tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the
golden door!
Reading it, I can’t help thinking of the migrant problem. Are they welcomed everywhere?
Elisabeth Brun, Ardèche