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Covid France: Will I get proof of my vaccination?
France is aiming to vaccinated between 2.4 and 4 million people by the end of February. Each one will receive proof they have been vaccinated
Reader question: What proof will I have that I have been vaccinated? Will each person get a certificate, will it be logged on my Ameli account through the carte vitale?
Everyone who receives the Covid-19 vaccine will receive a certificate of vaccination after each dose.
An operator at the Covid-19 helpline in France said he believes that the information will be added to everyone’s Ameli account as well.
France’s public rollout of the vaccination campaign began on January 18, opening for those aged over 75 and those at high risk of developing serious forms of Covid-19.
You can find out how to book an appointment through our article here.
A number of people attempting to book appointments have experienced issues with the websites being slow or no appointment slots being available. The French government has said it is working to resolve this issue and a waiting list system will be set up before the end of this week.
France’s Covid vaccine booking system to be improved
Anyone who has managed to book an appointment will need to take with them their ID, their carte vitale or a Cpam attestation verifying the right to French healthcare and a confirmation of their appointment.
Read our article about getting the vaccination without a carte vitale here.
Before being vaccinated, everyone will have to fill out a short questionnaire about their health and sign a consent form.
Once they have been vaccinated they will be asked to wait for 15 minutes to check against any adverse reaction and then given a certificate proving they have been vaccinated.
An appointment to receive the second dose will also be organised, if it has not already been arranged through an online booking platform.
Read more:
Which high-risk people can be vaccinated in France?
Must I prove I am over 75 to get Covid vaccine in France?