New website shows real market prices

Notaires are to offer a new website showing the latest information available on ‘real’ property prices as part of a new role set for them by the government.

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For several years the Notariat has contributed to the transparency of the property market by calculating, along with the French national statistics agency Insee, France’s only index of property prices and publishing this information.

Now, since the start of summer, this role has been given a proper legal framework as part of a public service mission for the Notaires de France, where it will publish market data within 90 days of the end of the period being covered. This recognises the reliability of the prices given as they are based on real sale prices and not on advertised prices.

The website will give two types of information:

1: The price per square metre for flats, houses and land with distinctions for new and older properties, for the geographic zone (arrondissement, commune, department, region), the time for sales to go through, the lowest prices and the highest prices paid plus the volume of sales.

For flats, this may also include details on parking, number of rooms etc.

2: The list of most recent sales for all types of property (flats, houses, land, commercial premises, buildings, garages, farmland, vineyards) with distinctions for the geographical area (as before) and the time for the sale to go through.