Letters: How are hybrid cars supposed to carry a spare tyre in France?
Connexion reader says electric vehicles simply do not have enough space
Letters: The number of cold calls to French phone is maddening
Connexion readers say that measures to prevent them are not effective
Letters: France must not tolerate political corruption
Connexion reader says it is right that Marine Le Pen should be prevented from holding office if found guilty
Being French solves it all
Many of your letters concern the administrative status of Britons resident in France.
The answer is simple: take French nationality.
It takes about a year and (as we are in France) is fairly bureaucratic. But once finished it makes life much simpler.
My wife and I made the decision we much preferred life in France to that in the UK 35 years ago. Yes, we both speak fluent French and we wanted our children to have both nationalities.
For those of your readers who speak good French, go for it, become French! And, unlike in the US, you can retain your UK nationality.
Andrew Roberts, by email