Carrot protest on cigarette rules

Tobacconists dump four tonnes of carrots by the Ministry of the Economy as price rises and blank package rules mulled

TOBACCONISTS have dumped four tonnes of carrots outside the Ministry of the Economy in protest at plans to raise prices beyond €10 and introduce blank packaging.

The carrot has become a symbol of their cause because of its resemblance to the long, red ‘Tabac’ signs that adorn French high streets.

Across the country some 26,000 tobacconists carried out events in 80 towns. In some departments they covered up speed cameras.

Arrageois : les #buralistes en colère s’en sont pris en vitesse aux radars fixes— La Voix du Nord web (@lavoixdunord) September 8, 2015

The Confédération des buralistes believes that pushing up the costs of a packet of cigarettes past €10 will result in people crossing the border to stock up, or buying online.

It says measures that will reduce the number of Tabacs will not reduce smoking.

One of their key demands is for the government to back down over plans to introduce generic packaging for all cigarettes.

The Senate has already thrown out an amendment to a new bill which would have forced cigarette manufacturers to produce generic packets.

However Health Minister Marisol Touraine has said the amendment will be reintroduced and has urged MPs in the National Assembly to back it.

#Buralistes des gens meurent de faim et vs vs deversez des tonnes de nourriture. #Desolant— Z'elle GazouiLLe ✏ (@Mart4400) September 8, 2015