Letters: Strength of the dollar is key factor for Americans in France
Reader notes that last time Donald Trump won he said he wanted a weaker dollar to boost exports
Letters: French banks act like our money is theirs to keep
Connexion reader says the monthly spending limits are 'incomprehensible'
Letters: Automatic French translations can be so funny
Connexion readers share their experiences of absurd mistranslations
MPs should look to history
Expats’ right to vote
The MPs opposing expats’ right to vote after living abroad for more than 15 years seem, broadly, to argue on:
• Inconvenience and cost.
• Loss of interest in the UK and failure to bring one’s family abroad on relocating.
How can one put a price/cost on democratic rights?
No wonder people lose interest in the UK and politics when MPs have such an appalling mindset! Taxation without representation has had a major historical impact on the UK. It is as wrong now as it was then.
Laurance Beckett - Charente-Maritime