‘Dutch roundabouts’ now installed in France: how do they work?
The roundabouts are designed to make roads safer for cyclists
Port of Dover expects new EU border controls to be in place by November 2025
UK authorities are working on assumption that measures will be phased in over six-month period
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Government grants may cover cost of installation
Nudists brave heat for Paris's journée du naturisme
Dozens of people stripped off for the second annual naturism day in capital's Bois de Vincennes

An estimated 100 people braved the very strong sun to strip off for Paris's second journée du naturisme in the Bois de Vincennes on Sunday.
The number of participants reported by France Bleu Paris was much lower than organisers, the Association des naturistes parisiens, had anticipated. They had called on naturists to beat last year's figure of 970 participants - and more than 1,000 had declared an interest on the group's Facebook page.
Organisers said the gathering "is a way to fight ideologies and stereotypes together on a symbolic day in a city that is widely observed around the world".
A naturist area in the Bois de Vincennes, between la route Dauphiné and les allées royales, is open every day until October 13. It is screened from the rest of the park by trees, but it open to walkers.
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